Manitoulin Planning Board

Welcome to the Manitoulin Planning Board Website.

About the Board

The Manitoulin Planning Board is the approval authority for lot creation within the Manitoulin Planning Area, including the unincorporated area of Robinson and Dawson Township, and municipalities of Assiginack, Billings, Burpee-Mills, Central Manitoulin, Cockburn Island, Gordon/Barrie Island, Gore Bay, and Tehkummah. The Board is also the approval authority for zoning and building in the unincorporated area of Robinson and Dawson Township.

In addition, the Manitoulin Planning Board assists its' member municipalities with land use planning matters and zoning by-law administration.

For information on upcoming meetings and minutes of past meetings go to our Public Notices section.

For application forms and copies of our Zoning By-law, Official Plan and related maps, go to the Application Forms and Downloads section.